

Grethel León-Mejia es bióloga, egresada de la Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia, con maestría y doctorado en Biología Celular y Molecular de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Sul, Brasil. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en genética toxicológica y mutagénesis, ha investigado los efectos genotóxicos de contaminantes como emisiones de diésel, metales y minería de carbón. Está categorizada como investigadora Asociada de MINCIENCIAS, su investigación se enfoca en daño oxidativo, citotoxicidad y polimorfismos genéticos. Actualmente es Directora del Laboratorio de Genética en la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, y también es profesora en la Facultad de Medicina de esta institución. 

LA-COMET's Contribution to Genotoxicity Science: An In-Depth Review of In Vitro Studies

Globally, the versatility and high sensitivity of the Comet Assay have established it as a crucial tool for evaluating genotoxic damage, underscoring the urgent need for standardized methodologies and protocols. To address this need, the Latin American group "LA-COMET" has conducted a comprehensive review of in vitro studies using the Alkaline Comet Assay. This review analyzed 80 published studies from the LA-COMET group, categorizing them into four main areas: 1) environmental contaminants, 2) natural products (plant extracts and compounds), 3) pesticides and their mixtures, and 4) radiation, drugs, and other biologically relevant compounds. The review aimed to identify the species of origin for the cellular models used, assess the types of agents evaluated, and determine the assay's sensitivity in detecting genotoxic potential. Furthermore, it established an in vitro Quality Score (QS), evaluating factors such as the cellular model, cell suspension preparation, treatment clarity, use of reference controls, and application of specific enzymes for identifying DNA lesions and assessing DNA repair functionality.
This review is pivotal in advancing the standardization of the Comet Assay, providing critical insights into its application across various fields and highlighting the importance of consistent methodologies.